Sasha is a special girl. She is the kind of dog that likes to look around at the birds and the flowers when she is taken for a walk. Even though she loves going for walks (and gets excited and happy when you take her out), she will always follow right behind you ('to heel') if you tell her to do so. You can walk around without worrying about where she might be, she never tries to 'sneak off', not because she's particularly well trained but because she REALLY REALLY wants to please you. That is the kind of dog she is.
Her current owners found her in an animal rescue centre, she was very shy and very afraid. If she could talk she would tell you that she has lived through some sad experiences, but she didn't need to talk back then, you could see it the moment you met her. Time heals, even if you are a dog.
Now Sasha embodies the essence of the happy dog, she loves every part of the day and sometimes she gets excited about certain things, but nothing is more important for her than knowing that her owner loves her.
Unfortunately her owners (who love her very much) really can't afford to keep her. They are desperately trying top find a new home for her, but not just any home, one where she will be loved and appreciated. It is all she needs.
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